Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 (ESV)

“Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day." (“O God Our Help in Ages Past”) Isaac Watts’ Meditation on Psalm 90

2009, like an ever-rolling stream, will soon have gone away! 2010, the first year of the second decade of the 21st Century, will arrive to great fanfare as a clean slate of high hopes and heart-felt dreams. Through 2009, we lost much and gained much. Hopefully, we learned much and achieved much. Change has been constant; the old has passed away and behold, new things have come.

Our beloved Nation has been financially, morally, and spiritually damaged to a degree unprecedented in our lifetime. Shall we see revival? Or, shall we go the way of all Nations that forget God? God knows. Even if God is not willing to save America, (and I pray that He is) He is willing to save Americans! May He graciously use us to bring many sons and daughters into His Kingdom.

If the Lord tarries His coming, in August of this New Year we will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the founding of Central Baptist Association. Please join me in praying that 2010 will be the most fruitful and productive year in our history! God bless you, our Churches, and Central Baptist Association!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy "Thanksgiving" ?

I seem to have my holidays mixed up! Last Friday was Christmas, next Friday is New Year’s Day; but, I am sitting here engaged in Thanksgiving!

I have been feeling overwhelmingly thankful that the Lord is bringing Tom and Pauline Miller and Don and Ruth Ann Lusk back to serve CBA Churches. I am happy for the Churches, our Association, and for me!

I must admit that I am feeling a bit guilty about being so happy because this means that two other IBSA Churches: Youngblood Baptist and First Baptist Ashmore (respectively) have had to say goodbye to these dear friends.

2009 has been a wonderful year in many ways, and it is great to see it capped off by the return of these two godly families! May God bless the Youngblood and Ashmore Churches; may God bless Trinity and SBC Sullivan; and, may God continue to richly bless all of us throughout all the years ahead.